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[Paramecia] Buredo Buredo No Mi

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[Paramecia] Buredo Buredo No Mi Empty [Paramecia] Buredo Buredo No Mi

Post by RPforfun Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:57 pm

Name: Buredo Buredo No Mi

English Name: Blade Blade Fruit.

The fruit grants ability to generate blades from any part of the body. The shape and size of the blade depends on the user's wish. The sharpness and durability of the blade depends on the user's experience with the ability and how strong are they. As long as the blades are connected to user's body, they are treated as body part, so if they are destroyed, it will be painful to the user. But once they deattach themselves from the user's body, they are just like any other bladed weapon which can be used in combat.

Apart from being able to generate blades to use them, user can also generate them at high speed to shoot them as if they are elongating. They can only shoot the blade as long as it is connected to their body, and once they stop elongating the blade, they can't retract it and the only way to move freely is to first deattach the blade.

The main power and as well as the weakness of the ability lies in the blades remaining connected to the user's body. Thats how they can also regenerate from the damage dealth to them just like how a human being regenerates from the injuries. They can get stronger and weaker according to the emotional condition of the user, so if the user is determined or desirous, then the blades will keep on getting stronger (as long as they are connected to the body or if not, then with each creation). On the other hand, they will also start to weaken up if the user is scared, in despair and stuff like that. And as long as they are connected to user's body, they are treated as body part, and just like how other body parts feel pain when hurt, the user will feel same amount of pain when the blades gets hurt.

Standard Devil Fruit weakness and weakness against rust rust fruit is obvious. Or any other fruit that grants any kind of perk against metal. The other limitations are listed in the explaination of power like how user can't retract the blades once generated, and need to discard them.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-02-06

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